Sunday, June 22, 2008

Day 8 - Montreal Day 3

Today we really took it easy. Both adults and kids needed a break. We woke up late and apart from a run to a nearby Wal-Mart, we stayed in. We went to Wal-Mart to replenish our water supply and get a new book for Margie. She finished "The Name of the Wind" which she enjoyed a lot, however it is part of a trilogy with the next book not appearing in print before April of 2009! I am doing well with the 2nd book in my set of four; I have finished "River God" and now I am reading "The Seventh Scroll" (see more here

Today we also visited the pool for almost an hour. Kids had a lot of fun. Pizza Hut was served for dinner. We went out for the first time without any help from Delilah (yes, we know have an official name for the Garmin GPS unit) and picked up our order from the local Pizza Hut. It is very interesting the different varieties of pizza Hut that you can find here. Greek and Mediterranean seem to be two popular styles that we would have loved to try, but, to please the kids we stayed with the safe bet - half cheese and half black olives and bacon. The taste of the pizza and the cheese is slightly different and pleasantly better, we both agreed, than what we get in WI...

We are almost packed now for tomorrow trip to Ottawa; this should be a short one, probably just a bit more than two hours.

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