Monday, September 01, 2008

Bike ride on Labor Day

I have to brag! And I have to brag now that my legs still hurt going down and up the stairs!

We just completed – the entire family – ~12 miles of bike ride.
We took the new bike path from our home, across Northern Lights and in front of the Epic farm (yes, the bull was out) down to the Military Ridge trail; took a left turn towards Verona downtown and made it to McDonalds were we had lunch. Then we started heading back. We had one more stop at the Chocolate Shop where everyone was rewarded with ice cream and then we continued towards home. When we reached the right turn after the tunnel that would bring us up the hill at the Epic farm, we continued for ~2 more miles west till we hit PD. Then, we turned right back, followed the trail to the Epic farm hill, up the hill – not a small feat I tell you – and back home.

Sophia was behind Margie in the extension bike and Maria behind me in the Burley; Maria fell asleep a little after the stop at the Chocolate Shop! Before that she was all fun and singing, and talking to me (a change from the last time I had Sophia in there a couple of years back where she was just ordering me to go faster and faster J). We started at around 11am and we just came back… I am writing this email while the memories are still vivid and a lot of things hurt… really hurt… but it was fun! We plan to do it again!

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